First Class Design Quality Engineering
Larger games deserve
the strongest slot stands.
Top has two layers of 14 ga steel
Front game supports add extra strength & keeps the game from rocking
Adaptive mounts (sliding brackets) are wide & deep for better holding power

18D x 28W x 22T Bases proved capable in a crush test of successfully holding over 9,000 lbs.
Failure for the base began at 9,347 lbs.
The base continued to successfully hold weight until 10,319 lbs. at which point it was removed from the test out of caution for the testing equipment.

20D x 28W x 16T Bases proved capable in a crush test of holding over 9,000 lbs. Failure began at 9,880 lbs.
Crush tests conducted by Clark Testing.
American Engineered Products offers a variety of slot bases to fit your style and budget.
American Engineered Products, LLC is a leading manufacturer of slot machine bases and accessories for your casino floor. AEP’s engineering team designs are innovative and have several patents on leading edge products. We are dedicated to providing the best quality slot bases and slot base accessories in today’s market. AEP’s products are made and manufactured in the USA.